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Safer Edge is a leading provider of in-person Hostile Environment Awareness Training (HEAT) courses having trained thousands of humanitarian and development professionals, journalists, UN and donor personnel over the past eight years.
Online HEAT is an exciting opportunity to take a 4-day, in-person residential course in an engaging 14-hour online format. This makes the course available to professionals no matter where they are in the world. HEAT is designed for those whose work takes them to challenging, remote or high risk regions. In areas of poor governance, conflict and natural disaster, sexual violence, kidnap, carjacking, robbery and assault are very real dangers. Access to medical facilities can be limited.
The HEAT Learner Journey includes:
- Context & Risk Assessment: how to construct and interpret a risk assessment, security strategies, mitigation measures
- Personal Profile & Mitigation: understanding the impact of our personal characteristics, behaviours and capabilities in enhancing or constraining our safety
- Travel Planning & Road Traffic Accidents: Preparing to be safe, pre-departure planning, road traffic accidents, safety in modes of transport and accommodation
- Managing Checkpoints: how are checkpoints dangerous? Checkpoint security, safely navigating checkpoints
- Carjacking: when & where carjackings occur, common tactics used, what to do in the event of a carjacking
- Digital Security: safe use of internet and devices, commons scams and hacks
- Remote Communication: introduction to remote communications and their use (VHF, HF, Satellite Phones, R/BGAN)
- Health & Emergency Care: approach, assessment, ‘big sick vs little sick’, resuscitation, wounds – bleeds, lacerations, bandaging (including tourniquet), blast injuries (including amputation and sucking chest wound), musculoskeletal injuries, burns, heat and cold exposure, bites and stings
- Self Awareness: understanding and developing self awareness for safety, self awareness in the remote and difficult contexts
- Psychological First Aid: training for immediate mental health and acute stress management in post-incident situations
- Interpersonal Skills: human interaction and violence, how culture and perception affects safety, defusing aggression, negotiation
- Weapons, Cover and Complex Attacks: when gunfire, explosives and active shooter attacks occur, different weapons use, minimising vulnerability, cover and concealment, responding in active shooter or terrorist attacks
- Self Care: safely managing stress, boredom to burnout, fostering and maintaining resilience
- Theft & Robbery: where and when theft and robbery occurs, how to reduce risks and how to respond appropriately
- Natural Hazards: preparing to respond in the event of fire, earthquakes, flooding, air pollution and severe weather (monsoons, hurricanes)
- Civil Unrest: when and where civil unrest occurs, types of civil unrest and violence associated, avoiding and responding to civil unrest
- Arrest, Detention & Kidnap: what to do in initial custody-taking, during detention, the role of an embassy, where kidnapping occurs and the progression of a kidnap, interrogation and commonly used techniques and response
Online HEAT was created by a women-led, Learning and Development Team with over 30 years experience in hostile or high-risk contexts including: Libya, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Sudan, and Ukraine. The online version is packed with learner engagement including realistic, real-world scenarios, actionable tips and hand-picked resources. Completion of the course enables organisations to evidence duty of care for those deploying to high, or very-high risk environments.
All Safer Edge courses provide a learner journey framework which guides learners through the modules and sessions, inclusive and diverse pictures and languages, a trauma-sensitive approach, knowledge checks for learning, options to repeat segments, a learner manual and a Continuing Professional Development (CPD) certificate at the conclusion.
Additional modules for Ukraine are:
-Airstrikes, crossfire and landmines
-Russia’s use of chemical and biological weapons
-Russian cyber and digital tactics against organisations working in Ukraine.
2x HEAT (@£300) = £600
2x Three Ukraine modules (@£80) = £160