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COVID-19 Overview for Northwestern Syria

Over the past four months alone, nearly one million people have been displaced as a result of the Syrian government and Russia’s military campaign to re-take the northwest of Syria. There are currently large numbers of people living with limited access to water and healthcare in crowded conditions due to recent increases in population. In the northwest regions of Idlib and western Aleppo, local organisations report that living conditions make the population highly susceptible to COVID-19. These areas are at highest immediate risk of COVID-19 outbreaks.

An LSE research team has estimated that the maximum capacity of Syria’s healthcare system to manage COVID-19 is currently 6,500 cases, before the system is overloaded. LSE also judge there are around 325 Care Unit beds with ventilators across Syria. Separate modelling from Imperial College indicates, even with stringent social restrictions, approx 220,000 cases will require hospitalisation with 45-55,000 people requiring critical care.

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